Sunday, January 26, 2020

Feedback Thoughts

(Fixed Mindset link:
(Rejection link:

Growth Mindset tips vs Fixed Mindset
The first article I read offered good advice on avoiding the fixed mindset as it can stall or even stunt one's intellectual growth. So often today I see that people see challenges as intense hurdles rather than an opportunity to reach out of their comfort zone. The second article I read covered why rejection causes so much pain for people and had multiple ways to deal with it when it happens. I really liked the point of keeping or "reviving" your own self-worth as it is a great way to bounce back from a rejection. The most productive feedback I have ever received was when I was a junior in high school and unsure of what I should do after graduation, my Physics teacher at the time told me after class that ".. I had a really good sense and should stick with it," in regards to Physics and later my major Mechanical Engineering. As for the most negative I can't think of any specific time outside of being told I didn't have a future in Spanish in my Spanish 3 class in high school. Lastly, a good anecdote of a time I received good feedback was after my freshman year at my internship, when after completing a motor test fast to try and get it to my boss before lunch, an older intern read through it and helped me find an error and told me that "it's better to take your time and meticulously get it right than rush out something to make someone happy." While this sounds harsh it is paramount in the engineering world as the safety of many rely on what we work on.

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