Monday, January 20, 2020

Time Strategies

Checklists: An important Time-Management strategy

I took a good amount of time preparing for this semester by meticulously planning my schedule to work with all of my courses in mind as this was especially important as it is my final semester. Since this means I am currently doing my Capstone Project I accounted for this by not having any classes scheduled Friday nor do I have classes on Thursdays unless an emergency meeting is needed. Nevertheless this leaves an extended weekend for me to complete my assignments in my other courses as reflected in my previously-submitted schedule that puts all of the hours towards the weekend. As for specific strategies I related with the article on checklists as I began keeping many different checklists from notes on my desk at home to the notes app on my phone I constantly keep them as they provide me with simple, quick instruction on my next task with recurring "accomplishment." I have long since overcome my time-management struggles and I like to think this semester will be no different.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there Mr. Deany! I am also currently working on my Capstone project this semester and, like you, don't have classes on Friday. I am using my extended weekends to work on this course. I would like to get ahead so that I don't have to worry about deadlines in this class while also working on my Capstone project. Good luck Brandon.
