Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Storybook Favorites

The first story that I would say is one of my favorites from the storybooks is the short story "Changeling of the Seasons," for a few reasons. It utilized each of the four seasons to outline the history and customs of a mythical race of creatures known as the changelings who switched places with humans by using each season as a starting point for each of their four different stories. The piece then ended in winter with an open ending where the Queen of the Changelings asked the reader to join her and instead fight the creator with explicit instructions on how to contact her.

The next story that I would add to my list of favorites is the "Urban Legends of Texas," as it outlined three separate urban legends from Texas all of which I had not heard of as I am from Illinois, which is a long way from Texas. As someone who finds urban legends extremely interesting from Mothman in New Jersey to the old story of the hook on the car door campfire story I heard growing up. The Donkey Lady I found especially chilling as it closely mirrors a story I had heard from my youth in which a man was disfigured and said to haunt the large wooded park at the back of my childhood neighborhood hiding in brush along the sides of the trails.
Camp Warren Levis ("Boy Scout Park") from my hometown

This next story I found to be much lighter than the previous read as it was titled "Common App," where it followed the application process for college for three different Greek deities: Apollo, Artemis, and Atlas. Each of the deities was given an essay prompt that played into their backstory thus making for a fun game of seeing how they each answered these prompts as well as show their previously-established personalities.

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