Thursday, January 30, 2020

Reading Notes: Homer's Illiad, Part B

Homer's Illiad retold by A.J. Church (from the UN-Textbook)

The second portion of the Homer's Illiad reading begins right where the previous had left off, over the dead body of Patroclus. After an intense battle between the Trojans and the Greeks over the body, Hector took off his arms, but his body was rescued by a fired-up Ajax. Hector put on Patroclus' armor that he had gotten in the fight, which was formally Achilles' armor. He charges at Ajax and the others due to their jeers in his new armor, but this upsets the god Zeus. The battle rages on over Patroclus' body and Menelaus had Antilochus go and inform Achilles of Patroclus' death in an attempt to convince him to come and fight the Trojans. Upon hearing the news Achilles was heart-broken and cried out so much so that his mother Thetis came to ask what was bothering him. Upon hearing his request to fight and die as it is prophesied that he will shortly after Hector's death, Thetis went to get new arms for Achilles from the god Hephaestus. Zeus then sent Iris to tell Achilles to go immediately to the fight as his presence alone would cause the Trojans to retreat. Athene equipped Achilles with a large shield on his back and a fiery halo. Achilles shouted three times shocking both sides and causing a frenzy of panic. The Greeks were able to get Patroclus' body back to Achilles tent so that he could mourn. Hector insisted on fighting rather than staying within Troy's walls and Achilles was making way to the city gates. Achilles would have gotten in if not for Apollo intervening and switching place with a Trojan general and transporting safely back in the walls while sending Achilles after a phantom clone. All the Trojans rushed into the gates except for Hector, while Achilles argued with the Apollo phantom. Old Priam, Hector's father, begged Hector to come back into the city walls as he was so important to the city. Hector stopped and thought about the idea of staying outside of the wall and what the outcome would be until he sees Achilles charging at him. Hector instantly runs away to the city gates with Achilles gaining on him, which caused the gods to meet and discuss what Hector's fate would be. As Apollo helped Hector evade Achilles running around the city gates several times, Athene finally appeared to Achilles and assured him a victory over Hector. Athene then took the shape of Hector's brother and came to him to make him feel as though he could face Achilles. They exchanged spears and when Hector asked for another the clone vanished, so they charged to fight one another. Achilles being the far superior warrior landed a fatal blow on Hector and fastened his body to his chariot to drag to the ships. Old Priam struck with grief contacts the gods and sneaks into Achilles' camp after sending a massive ransom for Hector's body. As Old Priam slept that night in Achilles' tent, Hermes came to him and urged him to flee the camp thus ending the Illiad.
Achilles fighting Hector outside the gates of Troy

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